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Five Ways to Get Motivated in February

Five Ways to Get Motivated Today 2/22/2013.

Seeking inspiration to get to work or even the motivation to get out of bed in February in Northeast Ohio is a challenge. Today is one of those days. Living along Lake Erie today means no sunshine, winds gusting 20 mph from the southwest, temperatures in the low thirties, and schools from Milan to Monroeville closed under the threat of freezing rain.

Here are five things that inspired me this morning:

Gracie the Greatest Rescue Ever

Greatest Rescue Ever

A good night’s sleep.  For you lucky people who regularly go to bed at night and sleep a full 8 hours without waking up, or only wake for a quick pit stop, this is a no-brainer. For the rest of us whose brains run on overdrive at least 20 hours a day, a good night’s sleep is sublime.

My dog, Gracie. Her mantra for a morning walk is like that of the postal service, “Come rain, snow, sleet or hail, we deliver the U.S. mail.”  They call dogs like her a “rescue” dog but I often wonder, “who rescued whom?” She’s got the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen. Continue reading